Frequently Asked Questions:
How does the ANAR DANA Project work?
During an Introductory unit, Helene provides an extensive and interactive overview of several styles of dances from North Africa, the Middle East, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Iran, Central Asia, and Northern India. At the end of the Introductory unit, attendees vote and chose seven styles to be studied in depth during the Project - one each from North Africa, the Middle East, the Balkans, Anatolia, the Caucasus, Iran, and Central Asia or Northern India.
Over the course of the Project, Helene teaches Technique, Choreography, Dance Notation, Music Analysis, Staging, Costuming, and Stage Make-up for the chosen styles. Helene will cover all seven styles every Unit throughout the Project -- beginning with technique and musical analysis in the early weekends to choreography, costuming, and stage craft in the later units.
Project units will be offered both in-person and online. The in-person Project units meet on one weekend and usually run from 11am-6pm on both Saturday and Sunday, with 1 hour included for a potluck lunch for members. (The lunches are wonderful times to get to know your fellow Project members.) The online units will meet Saturday and Sunday of two consecutive weekends, and usually run from 9am - 12pm. Digital recordings of all units will be made available to paid attendees for a limited time after each unit. Project units meet every one to three months.
Each Project unit typically begins with a session of stretches and movement training to prepare the body for the day's work.
During the course of the Project, Helene also offers Cultural Evenings (Potluck Seminars) to members and the general public to learn about Historical and Cultural backgrounds for the seven regions. These evenings are typically held a member's home, but will also be offered online.
The Project culminates in a weekend of stage shows to present all that Project Members have learned. Helene will provide most of the authentic costuming for each region style. Under Helene's direction, these are professionally presented events. Ticket sales will cover theater costs. Members will be asked to help with ticket sales, but there are no quotas.
Ultimately, the ANAR DANA Project forms a cohesive and supportive Performance Group, brought together to learn and present beautiful dances, in authentic costuming, with culturally accurate depictions.
What will be covered during the ANAR DANA Project?
The specific dances for the ANAR DANA Project are determined during the Introductory unit and will be listed on this site when decided. The Project will cover Technique, Choreography, Dance Notation, Yoga, Music Analysis, Staging, Costuming, Stage Make-up, Historical and Cultural backgrounds for all seven styles. At the end of the Project, attendees will present a weekend of performances of what they have learned (and there may be additional performance opportunities).
How long will the Project last?
The Project will meet for 11 units, plus a performance weekend, typically over 12 to 18 months. Please see Current Project page for the latest dates.
Will Project units always be on Saturday and Sunday?
Yes. Each in-person unit will meet both Saturday and Sunday of one weekend, from 11am-6pm both days. Online units will meet Saturday and Sunday of two consecutive weekends, and usually run from 9am - 12pm. Digital recordings of all units will be made available to paid attendees for a limited time after each unit.
Will subsequent unit also be held at the same locations as the Intro unit?
The Sunday location is likely to be the same each Project weekend, but the Saturday location will depend on the participant mix and studio availability. Once we have a group of dedicated participants for the Project, the local Project coordinator will look for locations that would work well for everyone, based on our geographic distribution. In previous Projects, we have had an even split of North and South Bay residents, and so we held Saturday workshops in a North Bay/SF location and Sunday workshops in a South Bay location. Input from participants for finding locations will be much appreciated.
Getting to the workshop locations is a challenge for me. Can you help with transportation?
Yes! Contact the Project Coordinator at [email protected] and let her know your location, and we can help you to work out carpooling with other participants.
Will there be performance opportunities after the Project?
There will definitely be a recital weekend at the end of the Project -- possibly more than one, depending on circumstances. Details will be determined at a later date.
How much will the Project cost?
Each Project weekend will cost $250 per weekend. If, however, more than 10 people join the Project (excluding work-study students), payments may be reduced to $225 per weekend. Payments can be made weekend by weekend, and will be due each Project weekend. Attendees can attend seven Cultural Evenings to learn in depth about cultural aspects of each style studied during the Project; admission to the cultural evenings for Project members is included in the weekend cost. (Non-members are also welcome to attend, at $15/person.) Additionally, there may be some costuming costs, depending on the styles chosen for the Project. Helene provides the bulk of costuming, but Project members may need to provide some additional costume pieces, such as shoes and accessories. Finally, members will schedule extra (optional) practices outside the Project Weekends, and studio costs will be split among practice-attendees.
I would like to join the Project, but the cost is prohibitive for me at this time. Are there any discount options?
Helene may be able to offer you a work-study opportunity, depending on your skill set. Please contact Helene directly (at [email protected]) to discuss this option. Please be aware that cost is based on Helene's expenses and income requirements. Effectively, the cost comes to $20.83 per hour of instruction (less, if there are 10 or more full-tuition participants), which is a very reasonable rate for Master Teachers of Helene's calibre.
If I choose to join the Project, do I have to complete the entire Project?
Project participants sign a Project Contract agreeing to complete and pay for the entire project. If you choose to or have to leave the Project before completion, payment for all remaining units is still required, per the Contract. Project payments cover Helene's expenses and income, and she counts on a steady income based on the number of committed attendees -- hence the Project Contract.
What time commitment is expected?
Project participants should attend all scheduled units to the best of their ability, but it is understood that Life or Work sometimes intervenes. Participants who miss a unit should review the online recording to be provided after each unit. There will also be informal extra rehearsals with other workshop participants outside the official workshop schedule -- particularly as members begin learning choreography and prepare for the final recitals -- to be decided upon within the Project group. Participants will not be required to attend these extra practices, but will be encouraged to do so in order not to spend too much time at each official Project weekend re-learning old material. Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate of participation. Participants may have additional performance opportunities, as well.
I may unexpectedly have to miss one or more weekends during the Project. Is that a problem for continuity, and do I have to pay for the missed weekend(s)?
It is okay to miss one or two units (online recordings will be made available to paid attendees), but Project participants are still financially responsible for the whole project, and they will need to catch up on missed topics via online recordings.
If I have to miss a Project unit, can I transfer/sell my spot to someone else just for that weekend?
Only for the very first Project unit. After that, the way we work will not allow transferring to be possible.
Will there be additional expenses for costuming?
There will be some expenses, but Helene will be able to provide most of the costumes needed for performances. Exact details will depend on the styles chosen for the Project, and Helene will provide specific details for the costuming needs during the Project at a later date. Most extra expenses will come from shoes and accessories.
I already know I want to join the Project. Do I have to send money with my registration to secure my spot?
You can sign up for the Project anytime by sending the Project Contract to the Project Coordinator, as long as you provide payment for the first weekend. (Email the Project Coordinator at [email protected] to request a blank contract.) Please be aware that signing the Project Contract entails a financial and time commitment to attend and pay for the entire Project.
I may want to study only some of styles the Project will cover. Would it possible to attend just those weekends?
Helene will cover all seven styles every unit throughout the Project. There is no single unit covering a single style. Except for the first three units, Project participants are required to commit to the entire project -- both in attendance and financially.
More information.
If you have further questions about the Project, please email [email protected].
During an Introductory unit, Helene provides an extensive and interactive overview of several styles of dances from North Africa, the Middle East, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Iran, Central Asia, and Northern India. At the end of the Introductory unit, attendees vote and chose seven styles to be studied in depth during the Project - one each from North Africa, the Middle East, the Balkans, Anatolia, the Caucasus, Iran, and Central Asia or Northern India.
Over the course of the Project, Helene teaches Technique, Choreography, Dance Notation, Music Analysis, Staging, Costuming, and Stage Make-up for the chosen styles. Helene will cover all seven styles every Unit throughout the Project -- beginning with technique and musical analysis in the early weekends to choreography, costuming, and stage craft in the later units.
Project units will be offered both in-person and online. The in-person Project units meet on one weekend and usually run from 11am-6pm on both Saturday and Sunday, with 1 hour included for a potluck lunch for members. (The lunches are wonderful times to get to know your fellow Project members.) The online units will meet Saturday and Sunday of two consecutive weekends, and usually run from 9am - 12pm. Digital recordings of all units will be made available to paid attendees for a limited time after each unit. Project units meet every one to three months.
Each Project unit typically begins with a session of stretches and movement training to prepare the body for the day's work.
During the course of the Project, Helene also offers Cultural Evenings (Potluck Seminars) to members and the general public to learn about Historical and Cultural backgrounds for the seven regions. These evenings are typically held a member's home, but will also be offered online.
The Project culminates in a weekend of stage shows to present all that Project Members have learned. Helene will provide most of the authentic costuming for each region style. Under Helene's direction, these are professionally presented events. Ticket sales will cover theater costs. Members will be asked to help with ticket sales, but there are no quotas.
Ultimately, the ANAR DANA Project forms a cohesive and supportive Performance Group, brought together to learn and present beautiful dances, in authentic costuming, with culturally accurate depictions.
What will be covered during the ANAR DANA Project?
The specific dances for the ANAR DANA Project are determined during the Introductory unit and will be listed on this site when decided. The Project will cover Technique, Choreography, Dance Notation, Yoga, Music Analysis, Staging, Costuming, Stage Make-up, Historical and Cultural backgrounds for all seven styles. At the end of the Project, attendees will present a weekend of performances of what they have learned (and there may be additional performance opportunities).
How long will the Project last?
The Project will meet for 11 units, plus a performance weekend, typically over 12 to 18 months. Please see Current Project page for the latest dates.
Will Project units always be on Saturday and Sunday?
Yes. Each in-person unit will meet both Saturday and Sunday of one weekend, from 11am-6pm both days. Online units will meet Saturday and Sunday of two consecutive weekends, and usually run from 9am - 12pm. Digital recordings of all units will be made available to paid attendees for a limited time after each unit.
Will subsequent unit also be held at the same locations as the Intro unit?
The Sunday location is likely to be the same each Project weekend, but the Saturday location will depend on the participant mix and studio availability. Once we have a group of dedicated participants for the Project, the local Project coordinator will look for locations that would work well for everyone, based on our geographic distribution. In previous Projects, we have had an even split of North and South Bay residents, and so we held Saturday workshops in a North Bay/SF location and Sunday workshops in a South Bay location. Input from participants for finding locations will be much appreciated.
Getting to the workshop locations is a challenge for me. Can you help with transportation?
Yes! Contact the Project Coordinator at [email protected] and let her know your location, and we can help you to work out carpooling with other participants.
Will there be performance opportunities after the Project?
There will definitely be a recital weekend at the end of the Project -- possibly more than one, depending on circumstances. Details will be determined at a later date.
How much will the Project cost?
Each Project weekend will cost $250 per weekend. If, however, more than 10 people join the Project (excluding work-study students), payments may be reduced to $225 per weekend. Payments can be made weekend by weekend, and will be due each Project weekend. Attendees can attend seven Cultural Evenings to learn in depth about cultural aspects of each style studied during the Project; admission to the cultural evenings for Project members is included in the weekend cost. (Non-members are also welcome to attend, at $15/person.) Additionally, there may be some costuming costs, depending on the styles chosen for the Project. Helene provides the bulk of costuming, but Project members may need to provide some additional costume pieces, such as shoes and accessories. Finally, members will schedule extra (optional) practices outside the Project Weekends, and studio costs will be split among practice-attendees.
I would like to join the Project, but the cost is prohibitive for me at this time. Are there any discount options?
Helene may be able to offer you a work-study opportunity, depending on your skill set. Please contact Helene directly (at [email protected]) to discuss this option. Please be aware that cost is based on Helene's expenses and income requirements. Effectively, the cost comes to $20.83 per hour of instruction (less, if there are 10 or more full-tuition participants), which is a very reasonable rate for Master Teachers of Helene's calibre.
If I choose to join the Project, do I have to complete the entire Project?
Project participants sign a Project Contract agreeing to complete and pay for the entire project. If you choose to or have to leave the Project before completion, payment for all remaining units is still required, per the Contract. Project payments cover Helene's expenses and income, and she counts on a steady income based on the number of committed attendees -- hence the Project Contract.
What time commitment is expected?
Project participants should attend all scheduled units to the best of their ability, but it is understood that Life or Work sometimes intervenes. Participants who miss a unit should review the online recording to be provided after each unit. There will also be informal extra rehearsals with other workshop participants outside the official workshop schedule -- particularly as members begin learning choreography and prepare for the final recitals -- to be decided upon within the Project group. Participants will not be required to attend these extra practices, but will be encouraged to do so in order not to spend too much time at each official Project weekend re-learning old material. Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate of participation. Participants may have additional performance opportunities, as well.
I may unexpectedly have to miss one or more weekends during the Project. Is that a problem for continuity, and do I have to pay for the missed weekend(s)?
It is okay to miss one or two units (online recordings will be made available to paid attendees), but Project participants are still financially responsible for the whole project, and they will need to catch up on missed topics via online recordings.
If I have to miss a Project unit, can I transfer/sell my spot to someone else just for that weekend?
Only for the very first Project unit. After that, the way we work will not allow transferring to be possible.
Will there be additional expenses for costuming?
There will be some expenses, but Helene will be able to provide most of the costumes needed for performances. Exact details will depend on the styles chosen for the Project, and Helene will provide specific details for the costuming needs during the Project at a later date. Most extra expenses will come from shoes and accessories.
I already know I want to join the Project. Do I have to send money with my registration to secure my spot?
You can sign up for the Project anytime by sending the Project Contract to the Project Coordinator, as long as you provide payment for the first weekend. (Email the Project Coordinator at [email protected] to request a blank contract.) Please be aware that signing the Project Contract entails a financial and time commitment to attend and pay for the entire Project.
I may want to study only some of styles the Project will cover. Would it possible to attend just those weekends?
Helene will cover all seven styles every unit throughout the Project. There is no single unit covering a single style. Except for the first three units, Project participants are required to commit to the entire project -- both in attendance and financially.
More information.
If you have further questions about the Project, please email [email protected].